
A spinner is used to indicate page or element is loading.

<div class="center">


If you want to show a button loading, add the loading attribute to the button.

<div class="center">
   <b-btn color="primary" :loading="loading" @click="loading = !loading">Click to start loading</b-btn>
   <b-btn @click="loading = !loading" class="ml-2" ghost>Toggle Loading</b-btn>
export default{
      loading: true


If you want to show a card loading, add the loading attribute to the card.

Introducing Bounce UI
Bounce UI is a design system focused on simplicity and consistency.
<div class="center">
   <b-card width="250px" loading>
     <template v-slot:header>Introducing Bounce UI</template>
     Bounce UI is a design system focused on simplicity and consistency.
     <template v-slot:footer>
       <b-btn color="primary" size="small">
       Read More
       <b-icon right name="mdi mdi-chevron-right"></b-icon>
Last Updated: 11/23/2021, 4:08:37 PM
Contributors: tomatopickle