Sidebar alpha

Sidebars are elements that are in the left or right side of an application. For now, you can only use sidebars inside the prepend and append slots of the App component.

<div class="center">
   <b-btn color="primary" @click="sidebar = !sidebar">Open Sidebar</b-btn>
      <template v-slot:append>
        <transition name="fade" :duration="{ enter: 0, leave: 50 }">
          <b-sidebar width="400px" v-show="sidebar">
            <template v-slot:header>
                <h3>Database Info</h3>
                <b-btn @click="sidebar = false" ghost icon
                  ><b-icon name="mdi mdi-close"></b-icon
                Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsam
                iure quam voluptates maiores magnam, commodi quod molestiae
                quasi voluptas doloribus molestias cumque consequuntur!
                Molestiae recusandae nam dolores reprehenderit incidunt ab.
            <template v-slot:footer>
              <b-btn color="primary" block>View Settings</b-btn>
              <br />
              <b-btn color="primary" block outline>Open Docs </b-btn>
export default{
  data: () =>{
/* To simulate default styles */
  background-color: var(--c-bg);
  padding: 5px;

.b-app-side + div{


The Sidebar component has two slots. The header and footer slots. As the name suggests, the header slot is for the heading and and icon buttons, and the footer slot comes at the bottom of the sidebar and can be used to show the actions available for the sidebar.

Last Updated: 11/23/2021, 4:08:37 PM
Contributors: tomatopickle