
A card can contain almost anything you want, so we've made the usage of cards as simple as possible. Here are a few examples


Hello, cards are awesome

Introducing Bounce UI
Bounce UI is a design system focused on simplicity and consistency.
<div class="center">
   <b-card width="250px">
     Hello, cards are awesome
  <b-card width="250px">
     <template v-slot:header>Introducing Bounce UI</template>
     Bounce UI is a design system focused on simplicity and consistency.
     <template v-slot:footer>
       <b-btn color="primary" size="small">
       Read More
       <b-icon right name="mdi mdi-chevron-right"></b-icon>


If you have an image that you want to show with the card, you can use the glass attribute. And to specify the image source use the src attribute.

MacOS Montrey

The calm after Big Sur

  <div class="center">
      <b-card src="" width="300px">
          <template v-slot:header>MacOS Montrey</template>
          <p>The calm after Big Sur</p>
          <template v-slot:footer>
                  <b-btn glass size="medium" color="primary">Read More <b-icon right name="mdi mdi-chevron-right"></b-icon></b-btn>


If you want to indicate that the card is loading, just add the loading attribute.

Sign Up

  <div class="center">
     <b-card width="300px" squircle loading>
              <template v-slot:header>Sign Up</template>
                <b-input circle ghost label="User Name" placeholder="User Name">
                  <template v-slot:inner-prepend>
                    <b-icon name="mdi mdi-account"></b-icon>
                  <template v-slot:inner-prepend>
                    <b-icon name="mdi mdi-lock"></b-icon>
              <br />
              <template v-slot:footer>
                <b-btn block circle color="primary" loading>Sign Up</b-btn>
                <b-btn circle block ghost color="primary">Login</b-btn>


The header slot, as the name suggests, is for the heading of the card.

The footer slot comes at the bottom of the card, it usually contains action buttons or footer content.

We also have a floating slot which gives a floating footer, it can be used for showing binary actions. Like this example


Confirm Bounce UI is the best

  <div class="center">
    <b-card width="300px">
      <template v-slot:header>Confirm</template>
      <p>Confirm Bounce UI is the best</p>
      <br />
      <template v-slot:float>
        <b-btn class="mx-1" icon outline color="danger"
          ><b-icon  name="close"></b-icon
        <b-btn class="mx-1" icon outline color="success"
          ><b-icon name="mdi mdi-check"></b-icon

Last Updated: 11/23/2021, 4:08:37 PM
Contributors: tomatopickle