
Buttons allow users to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap.


Each variant of buttons have different prominence. For example, the outline buttons are more prominent than the ghost buttons, but the default buttons are more prominent than the outline buttons.


These are the default buttons, they are the most prominent buttons

<div class="center">
  <b-btn  color="primary">Primary</b-btn>
  <b-btn color="secondary">Secondary</b-btn>
  <b-btn color="success">Success</b-btn>
  <b-btn color="danger">Danger</b-btn>


Outlined buttons are considered secondary buttons. These are used next to a primary button, which will have the preferred action. Add the outline attribute to make a button outlined.

<div class="center">
  <b-btn outline>Default</b-btn>
  <b-btn outline color="primary">Primary</b-btn>
  <b-btn outline color="secondary">Secondary</b-btn>
  <b-btn outline color="success">Success</b-btn>
  <b-btn outline color="danger">Danger</b-btn>


Ghost buttons are considered tertiary buttons. They have the least prominence.

<div class="center">
  <b-btn ghost>Default</b-btn>
  <b-btn ghost color="primary">Primary</b-btn>
  <b-btn ghost color="secondary">Secondary</b-btn>
  <b-btn ghost color="success">Success</b-btn>
  <b-btn ghost color="danger">Danger</b-btn>


There are two types of buttons with icons, one with only a icon, the other with text and icon.

Icon Button

Add the icon attribute to get an icon button, make sure you don't have text inside the button.

<div class="center">
  <b-btn icon ghost >
     <b-icon name="mdi mdi-brightness-6"></b-icon>
  <b-btn color="danger" icon ghost>
     <b-icon name="mdi mdi-delete"></b-icon>
  <b-btn color="success" icon ghost ripple >
     <b-icon name="mdi mdi-content-save">
  <b-btn color="primary" icon ghost bounce>
     <b-icon name="mdi mdi-play"></b-icon>
  <b-btn color="success" icon outline>
     <b-icon name="mdi mdi-check"></b-icon >
  <b-btn color="primary" icon>
     <b-icon name="mdi mdi-bluetooth"></b-icon>

Icons button with text

Adding an icon to a button makes the button more prominent. To position the icon, add the left or right attribute to the b-icon component.

<div class="center">
  <b-btn color="primary">
    <b-icon right name="mdi mdi-play" fill="white"></b-icon>
  <b-btn color="success" ghost>
    <b-icon left name="mdi mdi-content-save"></b-icon>
  <b-btn outline color="danger">
    <b-icon left name="mdi mdi-delete"></b-icon>


Buttons can be made round by adding the circle attribute. Using this with the icon attribute will give you a FAB (Floating action button). This attribute can also be used with a normal button.


If you're creating a FAB, make sure the b-icon component has at least 25px height.

<div class="center">
  <b-btn circle icon>
    <b-icon size="25px" name="mdi mdi-brightness-6"></b-icon>
  <b-btn bounce circle color="primary" icon>
    <b-icon size="25px" name="mdi mdi-play" fill="white"></b-icon>
  <b-btn circle color="success" ghost>
    <b-icon left name="mdi mdi-content-save"></b-icon>
  <b-btn circle outline color="danger">
    <b-icon left name="mdi mdi-delete"></b-icon>


If you have content below you're button, you can add the glass attribute to make it look better

Windows 11 Release

Windows 11 will start to become available on October 5, 2021

<div class="center">
  <b-card src="https://news.microsoft.com/wp-content/uploads/prod/sites/612/2021/06/Windows-11-Bloom-Screensaver-Dark-800x533.jpg" width="300px">
    <template v-slot:header>Windows 11 Release</template>
      Windows 11 will start to become available on October 5, 2021
    <template v-slot:footer>
        <b-btn glass size="medium" class="mx-1" color="primary"
          >Read More <b-icon right name="mdi mdi-chevron-right"></b-icon


Besides its normal size, buttons come in four sizes, tiny, small, medium, large.

<div class="center">
    <b-btn size="tiny">Tiny</b-btn>
    <b-btn size="small">Small</b-btn>
    <b-btn size="medium">Medium</b-btn>
    <b-btn size="large">Large</b-btn>


Buttons can have a different click effect, if you feel like the default button click effect is boring.


Normally, the box-shadow that comes when a button is clicked is removed when the ripple or bounce attributes are added. If you want the box-shadow, add the focus-border attribute. Also, try to maintain consistency when using these, since using them inconsistently might confuse the user.


This will give a ripple effect when a user clicks on it.

<div class="center">
  <b-btn ripple>Default</b-btn>
  <b-btn ripple outline>Outlined</b-btn>
  <b-btn ripple color="secondary">Secondary</b-btn>
  <b-btn ripple color="success">Success</b-btn>
  <b-btn ripple color="danger">Danger</b-btn>
  <b-btn ripple focus-border color="primary">With Focus Border</b-btn>


The bounce attribute will make the button scale down when it being clicked.

<div class="center">
  <b-btn bounce>Default</b-btn>
  <b-btn bounce outline>Outlined</b-btn>
  <b-btn bounce color="secondary">Secondary</b-btn>
  <b-btn bounce color="success">Success</b-btn>
  <b-btn bounce color="danger">Danger</b-btn>
  <b-btn bounce focus-border color="primary">With Focus Border</b-btn>
Last Updated: 11/23/2021, 4:56:05 PM
Contributors: tomatopickle